By-Laws Of Saskatchewan Career Development (SKCDA)
Definition: By-Laws are a set of rules established by an organization or community to regulate itself, as allowed for by some higher authority. The higher authority generally is a government body.
ISC-Corporation Registry is a branch of government responsible, as part of their duties, to regulate all organizations requesting a non-profit status. As part of your application the organization must present their By-Laws.
SKCDA was registered as a non-profit with the Corporate Registry in 2015. We recruited career professionals to help write the SKCDA By-Laws. They provide the foundation of what we can do as an organization.
The SKCDA By-Law outline the ‘rules’ we follow. They include the following topics:
- Our objectives.
- Membership information.
- The meetings required.
- Who and what is our Board of Directors and committees.
- Financial disclosure and record keeping requirements.
To download the information on SKCDA’s By-Laws, click here.