Pan Canadian Career Development Professional Certification
Current Path to Certification
Saskatchewan does not have a provincial certification process; however, we do have a formal agreement with the New Brunswick Career Development Association (NBCDA). For more details on the certification process, please visit the NBCDA website. You can explore any of the other five provincial certification bodies including BC Career Development Association, Alberta Career Development Association, Quebec (AQPDDC) and Nova Scotia Career Development Association. You can apply to the certifying body that works for you.
There is no requirement to be a Certified Career Development Professional to be employed in Saskatchewan. Certification is intended as a benefit to those who are interested in a more formal recognition of your skills. Knowledge, and to enhance their professional identity, raising the professional profile of the career development field.
Note: Canadian Career Development Foundation also offers on-line core courses as well as a few universities and colleges across Canada if interested in increasing your skills and knowledge. The Career Development Centre will offer free Foundation Training starting 2023 available to all CDPs across Canada via online independent course. Great place to begin as the course covers the core elements of the career development job.
It is expected that anyone with a completed certification from any province will qualify to receive the Pan-Canadian Certification.
Pan Canadian Certification
The new CDP Core Competency Framework defines the expected performance, knowledge, and abilities levels required to be an effective CDP.A self-assessment tool is expected to be available soon. Watch for updates.
The Pan-Canadian Certification model and process has been established. Nova Scotia Career Development Association (NSCDA) will be administering the Pan-Canadian Certification. They are well established association with the resources to administer a nation-wide certification program. They have extensive experience as a certifying body. The final stages of establishing the governing body and policy are in their final stages. Implementation is expected to roll out across the country starting in 2024.
Note anyone with a current CDP certification will be considered for transition to the Pan-Canadian Certified Career Development Professional designation when implemented. For continued updates on the Pan-Canadian CDP Certification, please click here.