Strategic Path
Strategic Path
Every organization needs a way to focus on the work they do. Always more to be done than time, or people to master it all. A strategic plan is that focus tool. Each organization may do their planning differently.
In 2021, SKCDA did our first Strategic Path. The exercise helped us to appreciate our strengths as an organization as well as where we need to improve. We did so big dream planning and then focused on what we believe is our priority. Our priorities focus on:
- Membership growth. As a young organization spreading the word and building our membership is vital for sustainability.
- Support CDPs in Saskatchewan. We want to offer professional development opportunities, share current resources and be a network for those in career services.
- Support the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Certification in Saskatchewan.
- All while being sensitive to the need for our organization to be diverse and inclusive.
Each year, the Board reviews our strategic path and updates our working goals to help us focus on what we believe is a priority.
View our 2024/2025 Strategic Plan Here.
Past Strategic Plans